The Preaching of the Word of God, the Bible
We believe every word of Scripture, in the original manuscripts, was written down by men whom God chose and whom God the Holy Spirit, the 3rd Person of the Trinity, inspired such that those words are exactly as God wanted them. Since God created language in the first place, He is perfectly able to communicate His truth, through words, to us, as His created beings. We believe God’s written words, interpreted in their normal, plain, grammatical, historical sense will lead us to discover God’s truth. When the text is clearly written in symbolic or poetic form, we interpret it accordingly remembering even symbolic and poetic writing has meaning only because words themselves have literal meanings. When there are not indications, in the text, that symbolism is intended, we take the text to mean exactly what is says. Without this plain, grammatical, historical, literal interpretation approach for interpretation, the Bible’s texts can be given symbolic or allegorical meanings which were never intended by God and which lead us astray. We seek to pursue expositional preaching of the Bible. That is, seeking to bring forth the truths of Scripture in an orderly fashion, one passage of the Bible after another, such that they can shape and mold our lives to bring honor and glory to God by serving Him and advancing His Church. We trust you will be strengthened in your understanding and application of God's Word to your life as you listen to these messages. As with anything you hear, anywhere, compare all that you hear with the words of Scripture themselves to assure they are in line with Scripture.